Why choose yonyou OA?
Why choose yonyou OA?
Create efficient & flexible workflows
Dynamic Work flow engine facilitates the interactions between individuals and enables flexible management of internal processes.

Stay productive anytime, anywhere
Access all the key functions through a mobile app to receive company updates, process approval applications, view reports and most importantly- collaborate with others on the go!
How yonyou OA Fits Your Business Process?
How yonyou OA Fits Your Business Process?

Create e-forms to support approval workflows. Allow various operations such as form creation, table structure configuration, real-time approval management and analytics.
OA system for internal approval management: Leave application, Purchase approval etc
Manage important official document digitalization such as company policies, government regulations and classified documents in accordance with the government requirements. A centralized document management and sharing center to promote knowledge sharing within the organizations.
Build, manage and share your own business calendar, work plans and projects easily.
Build, manage and share your own business calendar, work plans and projects easily.
Publish news, events and discussions on a single platform to connect all the people and ideas within the organization for building corporate culture.
Paperless office transformation
Saving papers in some of the most paper-intense departments, such as HR and Finance. Moving from paper to digital documents can save time and costs that spent on printing and storing document.
Mobile app workflow automation
Access through the mobile app when working from home: approval applications, purchase requests, reimbursement and leave requests anytime anywhere.
OA Customer Success
How our clients use OA to enhance communications
OA Customer Success
How our clients use OA to enhance communications
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Tell us what you're working to improve
Speak with sales at (853) 2878 7375, or send your enquiry to marketing@yonyou.com.mo (853) 2878 7375 or email to marketing@yonyou.com.mo Contact sales